

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2021-02-04

Collins, Randall. 2016. “WHAT HAS MICRO-SOCIOLOGY ACCOMPLISHED?” The Sociological Eye. Retrieved December 29, 2018


【The Sociological Eye是柯林斯的博客网站】


1. Goffman,开山大佬要算高夫曼


When Erving Goffman arrived at University of Chicagoin the late 1940s, he was an ardent Freudian. Afew years later he devised a new way to study mental illness: he got himselfinto the schizophrenic ward of a mental hospital, incognito, for two years.Instead of the retrospective method of psychoanalysis, probing for the meaningof symptoms deep in past childhood, Goffman directly observed what mentalillness is in the present, as disturbed social interaction.

Goffman is an emblem of the take-off ofmicro-sociology. No one creates an intellectual movement by oneself. 

2. Blumer布鲁默


what Blumer named Symbolic Interactionism,emphasizing the social construction of the self and everything else.  At Berkeley in 1964, after astudent sit-in for civil rights shut down the university, Blumer commented tous in class: a social institution exists only as long as it is enacted; when wecollectively stop enacting it, it stops existing.


3. 现象学传统的转变

Sacksand Schegloff等人于1974年开始搞谈话分析,现象学的传统就发现了转变,不再是以个人为焦点,而是以互动为中心了。

Especially important was the invention ofconversation analysis by tape-recording real-life conversation. This shiftedthe emphasis from the cognitive and rather individualistic focus ofphenomenology onto the details of social interaction; and transcribing thetape-recordings made it possible for other researchers to examine the empirical findings and to point out new patterns in them. When Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson in 1974 laid out the turn-taking rule as the fundamental process oftalk, it became possible to reinterpret it later as the socially ideal form: nogap, no overlap between speakers is talk in maximally attuned rhythm, and it exemplifies high solidarity in that little temporary group. 


4. Mead之后,象征互动论还数谁?

Followers of Goffman, Blumer and Garfinkel have proliferatedin the last 40 years, producing many strands of micro-sociological research… Thereis the pioneering work by Theodore Kemper; by Tom Scheff on the shame-ragecycle; and by Norbert Wiley, whose 1994 book The Semiotic Self is probably the greatest contribution to symbolic interactionist theory since Mead. 


5. 技术设备(录音机、视频录相机)对微观社会学发展进程很重要

Feedback between innovation in research methods andtheoretical concepts has driven the advance of micro-sociology. New researchtechniques spin off from each other. By the 1990s cameportable video recorders, followed by even more ubiquitous mobile phone camerasand CCTV. Knowing what to look for theoretically makes photos keyevidence, because we can read photos in tandem with new understanding of the emotions in facial expressions, body postures and rhythms (research by PaulEkman and others). We are seeing what causes what in the micro-dynamics of situations, both conflict and domination, alienation and solidarity. The deepening spiral between research technology and theory also improves traditional methods of observation and interviewing; it sharpens our ethnographic eye as to what to look for and what kinds of detail to probe forin our questions. Today’s ethnographer can say, Iam a camera, echoing Christopher Isherwood describing Berlin in the 1930s.


6. Hochschild带动的情感劳动研究

Arlie Hochschild’s  ethnography of flightattendants uncovered emotion work, Goffmanian efforts to control the emotional front stage of the situation, as part of the job. This led to a large body ofresearch on workers’ emotional presentations. Perhaps Jack Katz’stitle,  How Emotions Work, is a riff on “emotion work”,  while he shifts to radically situational methods, visual andauditory recordings, and a more embodied theorization. 


7. Turner把认知神经科学/演化视角也带到了微观社会学

Another important theorization of emotions comesfrom Jonathan Turner, by reconceptualizing evidence of human evolution. Humans diverged from other primates, not at first by larger brains but by increased neural wiring between emotional and cognitivecenters. … In recent years neuro-physiological research has caught up withthe Durkheimian point, recognizing that strong memories are emotionally marked;the rational emotionless calculator assumed by many non-sociologists as theepitome of human behavior does not fit everyday cognition. It is nice to havesome legitimacy conferred by the so-called hard sciences. But micro-sociologystill leads the way, since mirror neurons do not work automatically across allsituations; the human brain is programmed from the outside in, by the successor failure of social interactions to generate emotions focused on sharedexperiences in the chains of everyday life.




8. 展望:在我Collins去世的时候…

Thus, two projections for the immediate future ofmicro-sociology, let us say the next two decades, by which time I will probablybe dead. 

First, micro-sociology is going to get even better data, and the key things we will learn will be about mechanismsof mutual awareness, the causes and consequences of a variety of sharedemotions, and the patterns of rhythmic entrainment that together determinelevels of solidarity and emotional energy. What Durkheimand Goffman formulated are among the most important discoveries ofsociology; they will be modified but they will not go away.

Second, micro-sociological technologies are going to spin off new combinations and advances from themselves, in theusual cascade of technological innovation.  But technologies developin tandem with theories, and the theory that knows the most about how humans dointeraction is micro-sociology.  We are going to be part of thattechnological cascade, whether we like it or not.

As we said in the 1960s, it’s been quite a trip.And it's not over yet.






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Draper, Scott.2014. "Effervescence and Solidarity in ReligiousOrganizations." Journal for the Scientific Study ofReligion  53: 229–248.


Ekman, Paul, andWallace V. Friesen. 1975. Unmasking the Face. Englewood Cliffs NJ:Prentice-Hall.


Ekman, Paul.2009.  Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics,and Marriage.  New York: Norton.


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Garfinkel,Harold.  1967. Studies in Ethnomethodology. Prentice-Hall.


Gibson, DavidR.  2012. Talk at the Brink: Deliberation and Decision-MakingDuring the Cuban Missile Crisis. Princeton University Press.


Goffman, Erving.1961.  Asylums. Doubleday Anchor Books.


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Grazian, David.2003.  Blue Chicago: The Search for Authenticity in Urban BluesCulture.   University of Chicago Press. 


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Grossman, Dave.2004.  On Combat. The psychology and physiology of deadly combatin war and peace. Belleville IL: PPTC Research Publications.


Hochschild,Arlie. 1983. The Managed Heart. Univ. of California Press.


Jackson-Jacobs,Curtis.  work in progress.


Katz, Jack.1999.  How Emotions Work. Univ. of Chicago Press.


Kemper,Theodore. 1978. A Social Interactional Theory of Emotions. NY:Wiley.


Klusemann,Stefan. 2010. “Micro-situational antecedents of violent atrocity.”  SociologicalForum 25:272-295.


Klusemann,Stefan. 2012. "Massacres as process:  A micro-sociologicaltheory of internal patterns of mass atrocities." European Journalof Criminology 9: 438-480.


Ling, Rich.2008.  New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication is ReshapingSocial Cohesion.  M.I.T. Press.


Marshall,S.L.A.  1947.  Men Against Fire. The Problem of BattleCommand. Norman OK: Univ. of Oklahoma Press.


Nassauer, Anne.2012. Violence in Demonstrations. A Comparative Analysis of SituationalInteraction Dynamics at Social Movement Protests. (PhDDissertation)  Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences.


Pagis,Michal.  2015. "Evoking Equanimity: Silent InteractionRituals in Vipassana Meditation Retreats." QualitativeSociology 38: 39–56.


Rivera, Lauren.2015. "Go with Your Gut: Emotion and Evaluation in Job Interviews." AmericanJournal of Sociology  120: 1339-1389.


Rossner,Meredith. 2013. Just Emotions: Rituals of Restorative Justice.  OxfordUniversity Press. 


Sacks,Harvey,  Emanuel A. Schegloff, and Gail Jefferson.1974.  "A simplest systematics for the organization ofturn-taking for conversation."  Language  50:696-735.


Scheff, ThomasJ. and Suzanne Retzinger. 1991. Emotions and Violence: Shame and Ragein Destructive Conflicts. Lexington Mass: Lexington Books.


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Sorge, David.2016. "The De-Escalation of a School Shooting: Toward a Micro-SociologicalTheory."  work in progress.


Summers Effler,Erika.  2010. Laughing Saints and Righteous Heroes: EmotionalDynamics in Social Movement Organizations. Univ. of Chicago Press.


Turner,Jonathan. 2000. On The Origins of Human Emotions: A SociologicalInquiry into The Evolution of  Human Affect.   Stanford:Stanford University Press.


Wacquant,Loic.  2004.  Body and Soul.  Notes of an ApprenticeBoxer.  NY: Oxford Univ. Press.


Wiley, Norbert.1994. The Semiotic Self.  Univ. of Chicago Press.




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